Monday, April 28, 2014

blog 20: Exit Interview

(1) What is your essential question and answers?  What is your best answer and why?
(2) What process did you take to arrive at this answer?
(3) What problems did you face?  How did you resolve them?
(4) What are the two most significant sources you used to answer your essential question and why?

1) My essential question is: What is most important in winning an amateur boxing match? 
Answer 1: In order to win a boxing match, A fighter must be in his stance and ready to work.
Answer 2: For a boxer to win a boxing match, he must be mentally and physically faster than his opponent
Answer 3:In  order to win a boxing match, a boxer must outlast their opponent despite taking more hits and by appearing less tired.

The most important would have to be answer 2 because anyone can fight if they have the drive and many people can take a hit and show little damage, but it takes hard work and dedication to be able to move without your opponent ever seeing you were there. It takes a lot of work to refine the skills needed to be fast enough to win. 

2) As I continued sparring, I realized a few of the guys were getting more hits in on me and I wasn't able to defend my self quickly enough to avoid getting hit. It was then I realized they were faster than I was, when I tried moving faster I would get caught up in thinking about what else I had to do, from which came the second part to the answer: Faster mentality. 

3) The biggest problem I faced was lack of confidence, which led to over thinking and a busier mind, which led to slower reaction time. I also tried being faster while sacrificing technique or form and it caused my punches to lose power and making me lose form. One of the ways I overcame the physical speed was by performing aerobic weight training. Using weights to perform tasks more quickly every time, like punching or moving. How I overcame mental slowness was by slowing down, taking the time to perfect form at a slower speed and outside of the ring and working up to faster movements and gradually to moving while getting punched. Over thinking was solved by relaxing before entering the ring, by not underestimating or overestimating my opponent and by trusting my abilities to perform within the ring. 

4) The two most significant sources I used were; a website called "Expert Boxing" founded by a Boxing Coach who trained and taught along side many notable trainers including Freddie Roach and fighters like Vince Phillips. My second most important source was my coach, who taught me hands on about the skills I needed to be, not just a good fighter but, a great fighter. He taught me many techniques and training methods that would give me a winning edge over the competition. 

Friday, April 25, 2014

Independent Component 2

(a) I, Alfredo Nunez, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work
(b) The sources that helped me complete the 30 hours of work were coach Bernard Roberts and pro boxer Antonio Moya, at Fist of Gold boxing gym. 

(d) At the gym I partook in all the training necessary to participate and win an amateur boxing match, this includes training on the punching bag, with the coach in various different strategies, weight training, agility training, running, and sparring. 
All the training I went through is what all my answers are composed of, many components of training include exercises that help refine skills that are needed to win a boxing match. The skills all make up certain answers to my EQ.   
By teaching my what I need to do to win at the gym and in the ring, I was able to understand what I needed to answer in my EQ. Which was "What is most important in winning an amateur boxing match." Sparring allowed me to see what areas I needed work on and what other fighters had refined that I had not that allowed them to have an advantage over me. After a spar I had a debrief with the coach and he would tell me what I needed to improve and how to do it, by assigning me different workout methods; be it on the weights or on the speed or punching bags.