Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Blog 4: Interview Preparation

Who do you plan to interview? Why? 

  1. For my first interview I plan to interview one of my coaches at the boxing gym, Don Luna (Mr. Luna). The reason I will be interviewing him is, not only is he a great coach and he is retired a professional boxer.

2. In addition to the first five required questions, which may not be enough to receive adequate information, I also plan to ask him how old he was when he started fighting, or training to box, How long he fought, and how long it took him to become a professional boxer. I will inclusively ask him what he thinks the most important aspects of training are when training to fight or for a fight. How rewarding is Boxing (Financially, physically, socially?)

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Blog 3: Topic Choice and Semester 1 ESLR Goals

1. The topic I have decided to work on for my senior project is Boxing.

2. There are many things I hope to achieve this year at I Poly. Regarding the ESLRs, these are my goals.
Effective Learner:
In order to become an effective learner in I Poly I will make sure I seek help when it is required and look for other methods of solving the same problem in ways that are easier for me to grasp. For example,there are hundreds of educational videos on the Internet ( which could coincide with technology) that give bountiful information on the subject. Sites such as NOVA and TED will be visited frequently when trying to learn subjects covered in class. 

Effective Communicator: At I Poly I hope to become a more effective communicator in class when presenting. I can also help underclassmen work on their presenting skills through pointers and demonstration. 

Effective User of Technology: I will incorporate technology as much as I can in presentations through powerpoint and other programs. If anyone needs help in any of the subjects, i know of several sights that can offer some help in core and other subject matter.  

Effective I Poly Citizen: This year I am going to join HOPE club and I will participate in drives that are held at I poly. I will also try my best to minimize tardiness and absences. 

Monday, August 19, 2013

Blog #2: Summer Mentorship Component

1.(Know) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ak9oqBTdYKfrdGlvRzRwM0tDMk1qcnhIVU41UDd3OEE#gid=0 My job as a boxer in training is to learn what the coaches and what other fighters teach me first hand and through observation. Spar days teach you what you should and shouldn't do in a fight, repetition makes punches second nature, and circuits create conditioning for when you're in the ring. I also help my peers through pad work and I often give them pointers on stance and punches. It's hard to train the youngins seeing as most of them have much more training than I do.
2. My main coach was Antonio Moya, but there were other coaches at Fist Of Gold boxing gym that helped me. Antonio's number is 909-282-4323
3.(Need to Know): What skills does one need to become a good boxer? How can one train to build on those skills? How demanding is the sport?

4. The most important thing I have learned from this experience, this far, is discipline and how much dedication it takes to compete in boxing. Every day you get home sore, and the next day is another hour or two of the same ruthless workout. Discipline comes with any kind of self defense, you shouldn't fight in a case where it isn't necessary. This virtue is etched into every boxer's brain (especially pros) since the training they receive makes their fists almost lethal weapons.

5. What helped me choose my topic was the fact that i wanted to work out during the summer. I had tried boxing before but I didn't stick to it, I had also seen how well it works your entire body and i started training. My first topic ideas were paintball and engineering, both were difficult to find solid topics and mentors for so i switched my topic to Boxing. I had already seen how fun boxing seemed and decided to give it another chance, the first week made me love it and I settled on boxing.